High-Tech Software House



Data Science & Engineering


Data is to software as blood is to body. 
We make sure it flows efficiently.

Data science and engineering are integral to all projects. We believe that it is critical to extract valuable insights from vast datasets. It is a must for a piece of software to run efficiently and to be scalable.

Some of the projects we completed have data processing at their business core. Just to name a few such cases, we were able to optimize submission flow of large sets of cartographic data for an NGO in environmental protection in the US, object detection input data for a Nordic mapping service, and clean up artefacts for a MedTech company with a vital signs monitoring product. 

Data engineering specialists at Flyps ensure seamless data integration, processing, and analysis, enabling businesses to gain valuable insights and drive data-driven strategies for success

Flyps engineers excel in optimizing data, enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of information processing for data-driven decision-making.


Success Stories

Inspiring Client journeys with us

  • High-tech
  • Med-tech
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Endoscopic capsule with machine learning

Detect diseases through entire digestion system and avoid colonoscopy.

  • High-tech
  • Med-tech
  • Bio-tech
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Biotechnology company

Identify algae cells

Robust algaes detection allow to produce high-value compounds for use in a wide array of industries and applications.



Our reviews


See our tech and business insights

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Hallucinations in AI systems based on LLM

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LLM, Robotics, Biotech

Case study: Enviromental Protection Industry

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Using LLMs the LlamaIndex (GPTIndex) with ChatGPT

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LLM Performance Benchmarks

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